Cross-border IP Dispute Resolution: Strategies and Pitfalls – Pestalozzi client event (13 September 2019)
Learn more about the most recent developments in IP both globally and in the region. The event takes place in Zurich on 13 September 2019.
Expert participants on panels will discuss:
- When, where and who do you sue? Strategies for the effective use of litigations
- Dispute resolution clauses in commercial contracts: Governing law, forum and process
- Fact, expert and documentary evidence: Common law vs. civil law approaches
- Cross-border enforcement: Implementation of court decisions and arbitral awards
- Moot Court: Dispute on the distribution of branded products
Lex Mundi member firms will contribute to the event and bring together lawyers specialized in Intellectual Property from around the world; among others USA, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, Chile, Hong Kong, Malta, Korea, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland.
Please RSVP here by 3 September 2019
Event details
When: Friday, 13 September 2019
08:30 – 09:00 Registration and Breakfast
09:00 – 12:30 Working Sessions
12:30 – 13:30 Business Lunch
13:30 – 16:30 Working Sessions
16:30 – 17:30 Cocktail Reception
Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law, Loewenstrasse 1, 8001 Zurich