Legal aspects of advertisement: do's and dont's for in-house counsel
Michèle Burnier, partner at Pestalozzi and member of the Swiss Commission for Fairness in Commercial Communication (Lauterkeitskommission) will present the current practice of the Commission. This interactive and illustrative presentation will not be on legal theory but will show practical examples of permissible and non-permissible ads in Switzerland. It includes a tour d'horizon outlining the Commission's main principles on commercial communications in Switzerland and highlighting the Commission's leading cases in this context.
The presentation will be followed by an apéro riche to celebrate the new freedoms and to allow an exchange amongst us which we all missed for so long, all in line with the protective concept of the Baur au Lac (see here). The apéro takes place outdoors and is therefore dependant on the weather. In case of light rain there will be tents available and in case of severe weather conditions the apéro may have to be cancelled at short notice as the current rules at Baur au Lac do not allow for a standing apéro indoor.
The event is hosted by Pestalozzi for Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC Europe). ACC is a global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel through information, education, networking, and advocacy while demonstrating innovation and leadership for the benefit of the profession. The presentations and discussions will be in English.
Please RSVP here by 8 July 2021.
Event details
When: Wednesday, 14 July 2021
17:30 Welcome
17:35 Start of presentations and Q&A
18:30 Apéro
Where: Hotel Baur au Lac, Talstrasse 1, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps)