The new normal of work life – important employment law developments and what legal counsel should know | Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law

The new normal of work life – important employment law developments and what legal counsel should know


Martin L. Müller, Head of Employment, Executive Compensation & Pensions at Pestalozzi, will cover the legal implications of remote working and other hot topics in the field of Swiss employment law in his presentation and Q&A session about "The new normal of work life".

The presentation will be followed by an apéro riche at the famous garden of Baur au Lac in Zurich.

The event is hosted by Pestalozzi for Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC Europe). ACC is a global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel through information, education, networking, and advocacy while demonstrating innovation and leadership for the benefit of the profession. The presentations and discussions will be in English. 


Please RSVP here by 13 September 2021.

Event details

When: Thursday, 16 September 2021


17.00 Registration
17:30 Welcome
17:35 Start of presentations and Q&A
18:30 Apéro

Where: Hotel Baur au Lac, Talstrasse 1, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps)

Protective measures

  • For this event, the protective measures concept of the Hotel Baur au Lac applies, i.e., you have to comply with the "3G rule (geimpft, genesen, getestet)": you must either be vaccinated against, recovered from or tested (PCR or Antigen Test) for COVID-19.
  • Please present your ID and COVID certificate (incl. QR code) to the Baur au Lac staff upon registration.
  • We kindly ask you to refrain from attending the event in case you feel unwell.
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