Associate Lukas Rusch appointed as Vice-President of the AIJA International Arbitration Commission | Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law

Associate Lukas Rusch appointed as Vice-President of the AIJA International Arbitration Commission


Pestalozzi is pleased to announce that Associate Lukas Rusch has been appointed as Vice-President of the AIJA International Arbitration Commission at the 57th Annual Congress held from 3 until 7 September 2019 in Rome.

The International Arbitration Commission provides an international forum for exchange of expertise of young arbitration practitioners. The commission regularly holds arbitration events around the world. Some of the next events include a seminar on arbitration clauses in May 2020 in Tel-Aviv and the 12th Annual Arbitration Conference in October 2020 in Berlin. Lukas will coordinate the activities of the International Arbitration Commission together with Eduardo J. De la Peña Bernal from Reed Smith LLP (United States) and Silvia Dahlberg from Vinge (Sweden) for a term of three years.

In addition, Pestalozzi Partner Nicolas Herren is Vice-President of the AIJA Commercial Fraud Commission since 2018. Senior Associate Janine Reudt-Demont holds the position as Vice-President of the AIJA T.R.A.D.E. Commission (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-Commerce) since 2018.

About AIJA

AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) is the only global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45 and under. Since 1962 AIJA provides international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop. AIJA currently has 4,000 members and supporters in 90 different countries, including over 60 collective members and Bar Associations.

AIJA is committed to defend and take active part in promoting core legal principles, such as the rule of law and human rights principles. While respecting the integrity of each civilized society of the world, a particular aim of AIJA is to advance cross-cultural understanding between members and other participants in the legal profession as a whole.

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