ACC Christmas Apéro 2023
As host for the Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC Europe), Pestalozzi has the pleasure to invite to this year's Outdoor Christmas Apéro.
Meet and exchange with your fellow in-house colleagues and join us for this networking event on 30 November 2023 at Hotel Baur au Lac in Zurich to celebrate the start of the holiday season.
The event takes place on the festive outdoor terrace, equipped with heaters to keep you warm and cosy. Nevertheless, we recommend that you wear warm clothing. In case of adverse weather conditions (storms or heavy rain/snow) the event will take place inside.
Event Details
Thursday, 30 November 2023
18:00 - 21:30
Outdoor Apéro with mulled wine and punch along with warm delicacies and special treats
Baur au Lac | Talstrasse 1 | 8001 Zurich | Link to Google Maps
Please RSVP here until 23 November 2023.