Legal Challenges of using AI in the working environment
Markus Winkler, Counsel at Pestalozzi, is sharing his insights on the legal challenges of using AI in the working environment.
He will discuss various use cases for employing AI technology in the workplace such as sourcing knowledge, preparing documents or interacting with customers. Therefore, he will identify possible stumbling blocks rooted in data privacy or copyright law. He also has a look at sourcing the technology itself and at ways to best protect a company's interests when training AI algorithms on data that belongs to the company or its customers.
The presentation is followed by a panel discussion with Michael Burkart, Global Head Legal Operations & Strategy at Implenia, Richard Magnan, General Counsel, Chief Information Officer and Chief of Cybersecurity at Rising Tide and Markus Winkler.
This event is in particular directed to inhouse legal or board members.
The event is hosted by Pestalozzi and Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC Europe) and will be conducted in English.
Event Details
Thursday, 11 April 2024
17:45 - 18:00 Registrations
18:00 - 19:00 Presentation, incl. Q&A session
19:00 - 21:00 Apéro riche
Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law | Feldeggstrasse 4 | 8008 Zurich | Link to Google Maps