COVID-19: New quarantine rules for individuals returning from abroad | Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law

COVID-19: New quarantine rules for individuals returning from abroad

The Swiss Federal Government resolved today that persons entering Switzerland from high-risk countries will have to go into quarantine for ten days. The respective individuals will have to register themselves with a cantonal authority.

The Swiss Federal Government will publish a list identifying the High Risk Countries. Currently, it seems very likely that the list will include Serbia and Sweden (from the Schengen countries). The detailed list should be published tomorrow.

As far as we can currently see, there is no immediate duty for an employer. However, an employer should carefully consider introducing a negative declaration duty for employees returning from abroad: Upon return, employees would have to confirm that they have not been in one of the high-risk countries. Otherwise, they will have to go into quarantine. Employees unable to work remotely are not entitled to salary during quarantine (but we have to see whether the Federal Government offers other benefits).

We will provide further details as they will become available.

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