Eléonore Bleeker
Cours de Rive 13
1204 Geneva
T +41 22 999 96 14
Eléonore Bleeker is an associate and member of Pestalozzi's Litigation & Arbitration Group in Geneva. Her main areas of practice are national and cross-border commercial disputes, white collar crime, debt enforcement and contract law.
- Associate at Pestalozzi
- Bar admission : Switzerland
- Junior Associate at a Swiss business law firm
- Minute taker at the Grand Council of Geneva
- University of Geneva : Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions
- Universities of Geneva and Basel : Master of Laws
- Academic intern for Prof. Gian Paolo Romano at the Department of Private International Law of the University of Geneva
- Summer intern at a Swiss business law firm
- Certificate in Transnational Law
- University of Geneva: Bachelor of Laws
French, German, English
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- Geneva Bar Association (ODA)