Fabian Martens | Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law

Fabian Martens

Attorney at law, LL.M., LL.M., MA

Feldeggstrasse 4
8008 Zürich
T +41 44 217 92 04

vCard CV (pdf) Publikationsliste (pdf)

We truly appreciate working with Mr. Fabian Martens, relaying on his impeccable sense for essential aspects, steadily keeping track of latest provisions and developments and proactively advising us on impending matters. We benefit from his extensive network that helps us interacting across all international offices, which is essential to us.

The Legal 500, 2023

Fabian Martens is an outstandingly skilled, thoughtful and pragmatic competition lawyer. Fabian is exceptionally pleasant to work with and extremely responsive.

The Legal 500, 2023

Fabian is a forward thinking, strategic and extremely smart lawyer and planner.

Lexology Client Choice Award 2021

What sets Fabian's work apart was his ability to deliver a work product that was to the point and he provided us with extremely useful, hands-on advice that we could understand and directly put into action.

Lexology Client Choice Award 2021

Fabian Martens was timely, cost-efficient and of the highest legal quality.

Lexology Client Choice Award 2021

Counsel Fabian Martens has good experience on how to handle large antitrust matters; he also has in-house experience making him an ideal contact person for in-house legal teams.

The Legal 500, 2021

His experience, his cost-efficiency, his strong business acumen and his hands-on approach make his client service exceptional, even in time- or cost-sensitive matters.

Lexology Client Choice Award 2021

Fabian Martens ist Partner und Mitglied der Fachgruppe Competition & Trade bei Pestalozzi. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Schweizerischen und Europäischen Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrecht und hat vertiefte Hintergrundkenntnisse der Wettbewerbsökonomie. Zusätzlich verfügt er über weitreichende Expertise im öffentlichen Vergaberecht und vertritt Anbieterinnen und Vergabestellen auf eidgenössischer wie auch auf kantonaler Ebene.


  • Partner bei Pestalozzi
  • King's College London, UK: Master in Economics for Competition Law
  • Counsel in einer führenden Schweizer Anwaltskanzlei in Zürich
  • Senior Associate in einer führenden Schweizer Anwaltskanzlei in Zürich
  • King's College London, UK: Postgraduate Diploma in Economics for Competition Law
  • Senior Associate in einer führenden Schweizer Anwaltskanzlei in Zürich
  • NYU Stern School of Business, US: Advanced Professional Certificate in Law and Business
  • National University of Singapore (NUS): Master of Laws, LL.M.
  • New York University (NYU), US: Master of Laws, LL.M.
  • Associate in einer führenden Schweizer Anwaltskanzlei in Zürich
  • Anwaltspatent (Zürich)
  • Universität Zürich: lic. Iur.


Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Japanisch


  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), Specialist Group for Competition Law
  • Europa Institut Zurich (EIZ)
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V. (Study Group for Competition Law)
  • Swiss Association for Public Procurement (SVÖB)
  • Swiss Lawyers’ Society
  • Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce (SJCC)

Deals and Cases

Pestalozzi advises Hexagon AB in connection with the sale of the Tesa PMI business


Pestalozzi advises Hexagon AB in connection with the sale of the Tesa PMI business

Pestalozzi advises Ringier on its acquisition of all shares in Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz AG from Axel Springer


Pestalozzi advises Ringier on its acquisition of all shares in Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz AG from Axel Springer

Pestalozzi advised RUAG International on the sale of the Aerostructures Germany & Hungary Unit


Pestalozzi advised RUAG International on the sale of the Aerostructures Germany & Hungary Unit


Switzerland: Gearing Up to a New Comprehensive FDI Control Regime

Switzerland: Gearing Up to a New Comprehensive FDI Control Regime

By Fabian Martens: Foreign Direct Investment Regulation Guide - Fouth Edition, GCR, November 2024

Switzerland: Gearing Up to a New Comprehensive FDI Control Regime

By Fabian Martens: Foreign Direct Investment Regulation Guide - Third Edition, GCR, December 2023
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