Alexandra C. Johnson
Attorney at law, LL.M.
Cours de Rive 13
1204 Genève
T +41 22 999 96 48
Alexandra Johnson is a partner and member of Pestalozzi's Litigation & Arbitration team in Geneva. She focuses on representing clients in international arbitrations and complex commercial disputes. She also frequently advises clients on Swiss contract law and represents parties in challenge proceedings against arbitral awards and in enforcement proceedings before Swiss courts. Besides her work as party counsel, Alexandra Johnson regularly sits as arbitrator under various arbitration rules.
- Partner at Pestalozzi
- Partner at a Swiss law firm
- Partner at a Swiss law firm
- Counsel at a Swiss law firm
- Senior Associate at a Swiss law firm
- Senior Associate at a Swiss law firm
- Associate at an international law firm, London
- Associate at an international law firm, New York
- Bar admission: New York (not practicing)
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. (Fulbright Scholar)
- Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Neuchâtel
- Bar admission: Switzerland
- Associate at a Swiss law firm
- Trainee at a Swiss law firm
- University of Neuchâtel: lic. iur. (summa cum laude)
Français, Anglais
Compétences & Industries
Droit de l'énergieLife Sciences (sciences de la vie)
Contentieux & Arbitrage
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- Vice-President of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre
- Co-Chair of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) Geneva Local Group
- Vice-Chair of Arbitration Committee of International Bar Association
- Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
- Member of the ADR Commission of the Geneva Bar Association
- Head Lecturer and Member of the Academic Council of the Swiss Arbitration Academy (SAA)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Jamaican International Arbitration Centre (JAIAC)
- Harvard European Law Association (HELA)
- London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
- Past Board Member of ArbitralWomen
- Past Board Member of ICDR Young & International

The Growing Importance of Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration: Need for Regulation and Mandatory Disclosure

New York and Swiss Perspectives on Arbitration: The Interplay of Arbitral Proceedings and Awards with the Courts